Monday, August 31, 2009

Liquid Desire.

I just got back from the Salvador Dali exhibition. It was amazing, they played a 5 minute or so short animation that he created, it was incredible!!
I could not recommend this to enough people!!
I enjoyed the small photography section the most, but there was lead pencil drawings there from when he was 13 years old that were prodigious to say the least.. I suppose that is exactly what they were really, looking at what he turned into.
I got asked for if I had a concession card when I was paying for my ticket, i proceeded to pull Pani's Steiner student card out of my wallet from about 5 years ago when he actually went to school, the man behind the counter looked at it and went yeah cool $18. I was stoked! For the record I was wearing a hoody and a beaine and most of my face was covered with hair, I in no way look like Pani!! haha

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