Friday, February 25, 2011

New York City Winter.


  1. Nar not the T3 just a friends nikon with a 50mm on. It was nice shooting something manual again haha.

    Also thanks. : )

  2. nice exposure and framing, i want to emulate picture 4

  3. Cool pics! I've yet to visit NYC but it seems like a fascinating place. I would love to photo document their graffiti...

  4. Yeah there is soooo much amazing graffiti. You would need a bike and a week or two to just ride around all day and take photos. Would love to see someone do the whole thing though!

  5. Bbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrr! These gorgeous images make me want to put 2 pairs of sox on and head out for strong coffee! NY is on my list to visit ... fingers crossed soon.
