Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sunset along the coast.

My first night out of Melbourne was pretty special to me. Not the whole night or anything I did. But the way the afternoon presented itself to me. As I was following Bridgette home the sun was setting directly along the line of the coast we were driving. The sky was the most amazing orange colour in amongst the clouds, the cliffs were painted dark as they were facing away from the sun and as we passed over the hill I saw the sun drop behind the large gums of the dry desolate landscape, the likes of which I had never seen, and all I could think was that it was one of the most incredible things I had seen since I left Byron. That day I had been very concerned I may have been doing something I should not have been, I was scared. This as far as I am concerned is the most intense, scary and by length the biggest expedition I have set out apon. To me that sunset was the confirmation that I was doing the right thing, that I should not be scared and that the most amazing experience of my life was waiting for me. It played itself almost angelically in my head and that all I had to do was follow that light and if even for only one second, somewhere along the way I would find a piece of the world, a small piece of heaven on earth, that, for the rest of my life I can call mine and no matter what happens from then on I have seen it and nothing will ever be able to take it away.
I am in my car in the middle of the South Oz desert about to go to bed.

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